
Dubai, Arab Emirates

Dubai is one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates, Dubai has a rich economy because there are much petroleum. It has had a very big increase with buildings from 2001 to 2011, before it was a place where only had much sand and there was little construction.
Burj Khalifa, is the most famous and the biggest skyscraper in the world,it has 828 metres and you can see it 100 km away,you can see to the observatory in the 124th plant with 442 meters high, its construction started en 2004 and it was finished in 2010and it cost 1,500 million dolars.
Burj Al Arab, is the only hotel in the world that has 7 stars, it has a sail-shaped structure.The hotel shuttle service consists of BMWs, Rolls Royce and a private helicopter. it is built on an artificial island and has 321 metres high, its construction lasted 5 years and was inaugurated in 1999. we can sleep there but the cheapest room cost 1,300 €.
Palm Islands, is set artificial islands shaped like palm consists of a trunk, 17 branches and a semicircle that acts as a breakwater, it has 31 km square, in this place many celebrities have their plot.
Dubai Fountain, is a replica of the Fountains of Bellagio in Las Vegas one of the most beautiful free shows in both cities, it has 275 metres long and is located in the Burj Khalifa lake. It was inaugurated in 2009.

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