

Roma is a city in Italy.
The Sistine Chapel is the most famous chapel of the Apostolic Palace Vaticano. This Town is famous for its architecture, evocative of Solomon's Temple of the Old Testament, and its decoration in fresco work of the greatest artists of the Renaissance, including Miguel , Raphael and Botticelli. It was built between 1471 and 1484, by order of Pope Sixtus IV.
The Roman Forum was the central area around which the ancient city was developed and took place commerce, business, prostitution, religion and the administration of justice.
The Vatican is located in the city of Rome. It is the smallest country in the world, and the only official language is Latin. Vatican City started its existence in 1929 after the signing of the Lateran Pacts.
The Colosseum is an amphitheater of the Roman Empire period, built in the first century in the center of the city of Rome under the rule of Emperor Vespasian. In the Coliseum were held gladiator fights and public spectacles. Was used for almost 500 years, celebrating the last games of history were celebated there in the sixth century.


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